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Alex Fritz is the Geneva Township Assessor. Alex was born and raised in Geneva, IL. Alex graduated from Elmhurst College in 2017 with a Bachelors Degree in Political Science with a minor in Urban Studies. He has been working in the Geneva Township Assessor's office since 2018. Prior to working in the Geneva Township office, Alex worked as the Chief Deputy Assessor for Rutland Township. Alex is a Certified Illinois Assessing Officer.             

If you have any questions about using the Online Property Search, please contact us by
phone at 630-232-3607, or by email.

Select from the following search options:

Parcel Index Number Search

Taxpayer Name Search

Street Address Search

Sale Search

Assessment Listing by Neighbhorhood

(last updated 2/7/2025)

Freedom of Information Requests

To find information on a property, use the Parcel Index Number (PIN) search. If you're unsure of the PIN, use the Taxpayer Name or Address search. Then choose from a list of properties that match your search to view the Property Record Card containing information on your property.
Please note the Neighborhood Code listed there. To find comparable sales in the same neighborhood, go to the Sale search and choose that Neighborhood Code from the popup list.