Deli Luncheon Program...
The Deli Luncheons are held Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in our dining hall. The meal is served from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm
and the dining hall is open until 1:00. The suggested donation is $3.75 per senior. Each day
there is a complete salad bar, soup, bread, dessert, coffee and milk. Tuesdays and Wednesdays feature a hot entrée and Thursdays
feature gourmet sandwiches.
Make your reservations by noon on Thursday the week before you plan to attend. Maximum of 50 people per luncheon.
Call Sheri McMurray at the Senior Center, 630-232-3602, to make reservations.
Beginning Thursday, March 1, 2018, the deli luncheons that were served Tuesdays through Thursdays will be temporarily
discontinued. Instead,   a sandwich lunch will be served Mondays through Fridays, with a hot meal one day a week, either Tuesday,
Wednesday, or Thursday. We hope to be able to resume the
deli luncheons in the near future. We will post information here as it becomes available. Please see the article in the April 2018
newsletter for further details.
Senior Center Director....Sheri McMurray
Phone Number: 630-232-3602
Email Address: